Granny Bella's Sponsorship Page
Granny Bella

Granny Bella faced abandonment by her family at a kill shelter, but a rescue up north intended to save her. Unfortunately, they couldn't take her due to her being heartworm positive, at the time. We intervened to assist Granny, who underwent surgeries to remove a mass from her abdomen and two mammary tumors. After recovering, she found temporary refuge in a foster home, where she has remained until now. Regrettably, her foster caregiver could no longer look after her, so she has returned to us.

Despite her age, Granny Bella remains spirited and full of personality. She delights in walks, basking in the sun, playing with plush toys, and cuddling on the couch. She is undemanding and ideal for first-time dog owners, older individuals, or those with limited time for an active pet. Granny enjoys her naps and watching Jeopardy game shows!

Granny Bella's Sponsorship Options

One Time Sponsorship
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