Henderson's Sponsorship Page

Henderson was discovered wandering with a collar embedded around his neck. Fortunately, we managed to capture him and took him to the vet to address the collar issue. His neck is healing well, and he is gradually becoming more sociable. Henderson has interacted positively with a female dog at the vet's office. Due to ongoing recovery, he hasn't had the chance to play with other dogs at the rescue yet, but he has passed his cat test!

Henderson enjoys being outdoors and going for walks. His leash manners are improving, and he is gaining confidence daily. He appreciates the attention from the staff and is starting to show more playful behavior. Henderson delights in chasing a ball, although he is still working on the concept of fetching. Henderson has been a gentleman in his kennel by keeping clean and not having any accidents. 

Henderson's Sponsorship Options

One Time Sponsorship
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Recurring Sponsorship
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